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Generate a List with values generated by function in Scala

I must generate some random numbers and sum them. Something like

result = generateList(range(0, max), generatorFunctionReturningInt()).foreach(sum _)

If generateList generates a List with size = max and values generated by generatorFunctionReturningInt

Or may be something like

result = range(0, max).map(generatorFunctionReturningInt).foreach(sum _)
like image 900
Kiril Kirilov Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 15:08

Kiril Kirilov

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Syntax for defining a Scala List. val variable_name: List[type] = List(item1, item2, item3) or val variable_name = List(item1, item2, item3) A list in Scala is mostly like a Scala array. However, the Scala List is immutable and represents a linked list data structure. On the other hand, Scala array is flat and mutable.

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This is the first method we use to append Scala List using the operator “:+”. The syntax we use in this method is; first to declare the list name and then use the ':+' method rather than the new element that will be appended in the list. The syntax looks like “List name:+ new elements”.

1 Answers

How about this?

like image 100
Kim Stebel Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Kim Stebel