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Gdal Installation error using pip





Im trying to install GDAL latest version using pip, but im getting the following error, Failed building wheel for GDAL. My python version is 2.7.9, Please help me. It is installing gdal 1.11.3 version if i specify the version but i need latest version or >=2.0

like image 513
Satya Chandra Avatar asked Apr 24 '17 12:04

Satya Chandra

People also ask

Can you install GDAL with PIP?

You can still install gdal with pip , and here's how to do it. You can also check out the video at the end of this article for a demonstration. If you want to install gdal to a conda (Anaconda) environment you can follow my tutorial for installing gdal with conda .

Is GDAL included in Anaconda?

If you're using Anaconda3, the easiest way to install GDAL is to create a virtual environment through Anaconda Navigator, choosing Python 3.6 as the preferred version. Then, choose gdal from the list of uninstalled Python packages. This will install gdal version 2.1.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Finally its worked with the command pip install C:\Users\admin\Downloads\GDAL-2.1.3-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl.

I downloaded GDAL-2.1.3-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl. from here http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#gdal

like image 83
Satya Chandra Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Satya Chandra