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gaze estimation from an image of an eye

I've been able to detect pupil and the eye corners accurately so far. You can see a few snaps i uploaded in my answer to my own question here:

Performing stable eye corner detection

Here's what i've done so far. I calibrated the gaze of the user by looking at TLCP, TRCP and BLCP where

CP = calibration point; a screen point used for calibration
B = bottom
T = top
L= left
R = right
gaze_width = TRCP.x - TLCP.x

gaze_height = BLCP.y- TLCP.y

And the corresponding gaze points i get by looking at those CPs are called GPs

calculation of a gaze point GP:

I subtract the TLGP's ordinates' values from the current pupil center's location, because the gaze point has to fall in the hypothetical rectangle whose i hope you understand it, its really very simple.

I've linearly mapped the gaze points calculated from pupil center's location to screen points using a basic scaling system where the scales are calculated as follows:

scaleX = screen_width/gaze_width
scaleY = screen_height/gaze_height

And for any gaze point P(x,y) i calculate the corresponding screen point Q(m,n) as:

m = scaleX*x
n = scaleY*y

But the problem is, after even almost perfect pupil detection (almost because in poor lighting it gives false positives. But i intend to put that under limitations because i can't work on it, i don't have enough time), i'm still getting poor gaze width and gaze height.

Here's a test run log:

DO_CAL= True

Gaze Parameters:

TLGP = (38, 26) | TRGP = (20, 22) | BLGP = (39, 33)
screen height = 768 screen width = 1366

gaze height = 7 gaze width = 18

scales: X = 75.8888888889 | Y = 109.714285714
Thing on = True

Gaze point = (5, 3)
Screen point: (987, 329)

Gaze point = (5, 3)
Screen point: (987, 329)

Gaze point = (7, 5)
Screen point: (835, 549)

Thing on = False

TLGP = (37, 24) | TRGP = (22, 22) | BLGP = (35, 29)
screen height = 768 screen width = 1366

gaze height = 5 gaze width = 15
scales: X = 91.0666666667 | Y = 153.6
Thing on = True

Gaze point = (12, 3)
Screen point: (1093, 461)

Gaze point = (12, 3)
Screen point: (1093, 461)

ESC pressed

Just look at the gaze points and their corresponding gaze-detected screen points (under them). The vast differences in x,y ordinates' values is bugging me nuts. Monday is the final presentation.

After this approach, i theorized another one where in:

Calibration is done as in the first method. I would detect the motion of the gaze, and its direction. Say, given any two points of pupil center’s location, P and Q, where P is the first gaze point, Q is the second, then we calculate the direction and length of the line PQ. Push method for gaze estimation

Let’s assume that the length of this line segment is L. We then scale L to screen proportions, say L is D in screen scale, and given the direction of gaze movement, we move the cursor on the screen from its last point of rest, say R, D distance, to a new point S which will be calculated as the end point of the line segment whose length is D, and starting point S. The figurative representation is given in the figure. Thus basically, i don't map any gaze data to screen point, i basically track the gaze, and convert it into a "push" to be applied to the cursor on the screen. But i haven't implemented it yet. Because it actually doesn't map the gaze to screen co-ordinates, and thus might be erroneous. Motivations for this theory were derived from the eViacam project on sourceforge - they basically track your face, and move the mouse accordingly. In calibration they just calculate how much your face moves along the axes.

Bottom line: So if any of you have any ideas of how to detect a user's gaze from a perfectly processed eye image - one with a detected pupil center and eye corners, please do tell! I've got just about a day, and i know its late, but i just need any magical idea that can help me.

like image 696
bad_keypoints Avatar asked Apr 28 '12 15:04


People also ask

How do you calculate gaze?

If the transverse radius of the eye 'a' (which is a constant), the altitude of the eye 'b', and the tangent of the angle of the meridian are known the orientation of the eye (the slope) can be calculated for any gaze position. For example, on the 45° meridian at 20° elevation the slope is about 6°.

Which algorithm is used in eye gaze communication?

Angular accuracy (Ang_acc) : Eye gaze tracking algorithms comprise of corneal reflection based methods which use NIR illumination to estimate the gaze direction or the point of gaze using polynomial functions, or a geometrical model of the human eye.

What is gaze detection?

Gaze detection is to locate the position on a monitor screen where a user is looking. In our work, we implement it with a computer vision system setting a camera above a monitor, and a user moves (rotates and/or translates) his face to gaze at a different position on the monitor.

What is a gaze eye?

It is an electronic device that allows a person to control a computer or tablet by looking at words or commands on a video screen. A very low intensity light shines into one of the user's eyes.

1 Answers

This is not an answer, but it is impossible to post as a comment. I'll delete it after your answer.

Are you sure you have all the necessary parameters?

Consider the following diagram:

enter image description here

If your camera detects the corners and pupil at {K, J, Q} , how can you distinguish from another triple {F, E, O}? Note that the measures are the same, but the gaze directions, represnted by the black arrows are completely different.

Note: the two black and the red lines were drawn from a single camera point, placed outside the visible region.

like image 167
Dr. belisarius Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 22:11

Dr. belisarius