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Gatsby - Adding Google fonts to Gatsby site

I'm trying to add a Google Font (Mukta Malar) in my Gatsby site.

I've seen many articles on adding Google fonts to a Gatsby site and most of them seem to use this plugin: gatsby-plugin-prefetch-google-fonts.

I've used the above plugin in my site by adding it in the gatsby-config.js file as:

plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-prefetch-google-fonts`,
      options: {
        fonts: [
            family: `Mukta Malar`

and added the font family to my css file as well:

* {
  font-family: "Mukta Malar", sans-serif;

But the Google font is not applying to the site. Is there a hidden step that I'm missing in my code?

like image 386
Arunster Avatar asked Aug 12 '20 08:08


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3 Answers

This plugin seems to be no longer maintained and it's part of escalade monorepo (which throws a 404 error), last commit in the core from 1 year ago.

I would suggest gatsby-plugin-google-fonts that allows you to display: swap your fonts without affecting your performance. In your case:

  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-fonts`,
  options: {
    fonts: [
      `mukta malar`
    display: 'swap'
like image 139
Ferran Buireu Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Ferran Buireu

Google fonts are available on npmjs.org with the name typeface-XXXXXX representing the name of the font family on the Google fonts website.

If I want to add the Poppins font on my Web site, I just need to add it on the package.json file:

yarn add typeface-poppins

Then in my site, i can use require("typeface-poppin") to use the font:

import React from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"

import Layout from "../components/layout"
import Image from "../components/image"
import SEO from "../components/seo"


const IndexPage = () => (
    <SEO title="Home" />
    <h1 style={{fontFamily: "Poppins"}}>Hi people</h1>
    <p>Welcome to your new Gatsby site.</p>
    <p>Now go build something great.</p>
    <div style={{ maxWidth: `300px`, marginBottom: `1.45rem` }}>
      <Image />
    <Link to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link> <br />
    <Link to="/using-typescript/">Go to "Using TypeScript"</Link>

export default IndexPage
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Raphael Mansuy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10

Raphael Mansuy

As other mentioned, include the fonts in your Gatsby project, this will be way faster!

Gatsby has a really great write up about this on their page actually.


Here is a an example:

First you install the font using npm or yarn:

yarn add @fontsource/mukta-malar // npm install 

Then in your layoutfile for the page, import the font like this:

import "@fontsource/mukta-malar"

You the reference the font in css like you would do it with any google font:

font-family: 'Mukta Malar', sans-serif;

If you only need a few specific weights or variants you can also import only parts of the package like this:

import "@fontsource/mukta-malar/500.css" 
  • this will only load weight 500 aka "medium" weight.
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Lars Ejaas Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Lars Ejaas