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Gatling-Value baseURL is not a member of io.gatling.http.protocol.HttpProtocolBuilder

I've written the following Gatling scenario below. I'm getting the following error

Value baseURL is not a member of io.gatling.http.protocol.HttpProtocolBuilder

I tried directly importing the io.gatling.http.protocol.HttpProtocolBuilder but that did not solve the problem. Can anyone identify the root cause in my code below?

Also, I would like this scenario to ramp up to 1 million requests over 4 hours with 2000 users. Does the injection below successfully perform that load?

 import io.gatling.core.Predef._
 import io.gatling.http.Predef._
 import scala.concurrent.duration._

 class Kafka extends Simulation{
      val httpProtocol = http.baseURL("https://apex-my-url-is.in.these.quotes.com");

      val kafkaScenario = scenario("KafkaPerfTest")
      .exec(http("Kafka Request").post("/method/method")
                            .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
                                "logDatetime": "2019-03-18T20:26:38.940Z",
                                "url": "/test",
                                "apiName": "test",
                                "apiVersion": "test",
                                "method": "GET",
                                "status": 200,
                                "vin": "TESTTESTVIN0001",
                                "accessToken": "test",
                                "user": "test",
                                "queryParams": "",
                                "requestHeader": "test",
                                "requestBody": "test",
                                "responseHeader": "test",
                                "responseBody": "test",
                                "responseTime": 200,
                                "traceId": "test",
                                "serviceName": "test",
                                "type": "INBOUND"
    constantConcurrentUsers(2000) during(4 hours))
    .throttle(jumpToRps(500),holdFor(4 hours)));
like image 994
Zac Davidson Avatar asked Mar 19 '19 19:03

Zac Davidson

1 Answers

Try "http.baseUrl" instead of "http.baseURL"

like image 179
Bryan Herrera Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10

Bryan Herrera