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Gatling: exclude preparation request from reports

Here is my test scenario on Gatling:

val createTemplatesScenario = scenario("Template creation")
  .exec(doLogin) // populates access token in the session

And I want to exclude Login request from reports because sometimes it can take too much time on our system and affects all the metrics:

Gatling report

Is there a way to "prepare" test scenario so that only necessary actions will be taken into account?

like image 704
Bogdan Kobylynskyi Avatar asked Mar 07 '17 12:03

Bogdan Kobylynskyi

1 Answers

You can use groups of requests.

Add all your requests except Login to a group.

As mentioned in the documentation:

If your scenario contains groups, this panel becomes a tree : each group is a non leaf node, and each request is a descendant leaf of a group. Group timings are by default the cumulated response times of all elements inside the group. Group duration can be displayed instead of group cumulated response time by editing the gatling.conf file.

The Global Information node should still be affected by Login request, but the node for your group of all other requests should contain unaffected aggregate results.

like image 199
George Rylkov Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 18:01

George Rylkov