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g++ is used by qmake and gcc is configured by the kit





 "/usr/bin/g++" is used by qmake, but "/usr/bin/gcc" is configured in the kit.
 please update your kit of choose a mkspec for qmake that matches your target environment better.

couldn't find any way how to change the complier used by qmake to match the one configured by the kit.

one Tools > Options > Build & Run > kit . there is no way to change the qmake complier back to gcc. and the problem is there is only gcc and clang auto detected by qt 5.9

like image 291
Zak Avatar asked Jul 14 '17 09:07


2 Answers

Tools->Options->build & run->compiler has the settings you need to fix that,
or add new kit, this my kit settings

enter image description here

like image 190
Vahagn Avagyan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Vahagn Avagyan

The problem was that i installed Two versions of Qt and i think there config or something overlapped so the g++ option didn't appear until i remove both versions and installed Qt 5.9.1 again the g++ option appeared and now i don't have the issue any more .

like image 35
Zak Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
