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FXML full reference?

I'm trying to learn JavaFX 2.0 + FXML, and i found it kind of uncomfortable to make fxml file, without knowing what i can put in it and what i can't. I mean which tags are possible in FXML, which attributes evety tag has? which values evety attribute can have, and so on. There are some examples in a web, but they don't show the hole capabilities of FXML. I've tried to use NetBeans and Eclipse plugins for JavaFX 2.0, but, both of them does not have any intelences for FXML, they just validate open-close tags and other simple things, which evety XML editor can do. Maybe i've configured these plugins wrongly. So, is there any documentatin with full reference (all tags, attributes and its possible values) of FXML?

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Victoria Agafonova Avatar asked Mar 15 '12 07:03

Victoria Agafonova

People also ask

What is the full form of FXML?

FX Markup Language. In the same way that HTML is for Hypertext Markup Language, and many more acronyms that end in ML .

Is FXML annotation required?

So in your example, since all your fields are public , you can omit all the @FXML annotations (even the first) and it will still work. However, if you follow good practice and make your fields private , then each declaration must be annotated @FXML for the injection to work.

What is an FXML document?

FXML is an XML-based user interface markup language created by Oracle Corporation for defining the user interface of a JavaFX application. FXML presents an alternative to designing user interfaces using procedural code, and allows for abstracting program design from program logic.

2 Answers

FXML Reference

Introduction to FXML describes the syntax and usage patterns of the markup and is important to study when learning FXML. It does not define all elements usable in FXML.

There will never be a full reference (nor xml schema) for FXML as it works by reflecting on Java classes in the classpath and defining elements and attributes based on the properties of the classes.

FXML's creator (Greg Brown) suggests:

So currently Javadoc is the best reference.

For future Javadoc revisions of JavaFX, the JavaFX team is considering including FXML examples in the Javadoc.

This forum thread and this forum thread contains discussions about and links to fxml documentation.

FXML code completion in IDEs

  • NetBeans 7.3 provides FXML code completion.
  • The defacto JavaFX eclipse plugin e(fx)clipse provides FXML code completion.
  • Intellij Idea 12.1 provides FXML code completion.

These IDE inference engines work by reflecting on Java classes the same way the FXML implementation does.

When you use a library like ControlsFX, or develop your own JavaFX components, the IDE code completion is able to make use of the new classes and attributes you have created or linked.

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jewelsea Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09


To keep the answer updated here is the Javadoc for Javafx 8.

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c0der Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
