The only FXG editor I've seen for Flex is by 7jigen, works online or as a Flex app.
Does anyone know of a different one? It can be done in Illustrator I think, but that doesn't really offer a simple export to Flex type option, just gives coordinates.
As far as I know your best bet (if you don't want to use Illustrator) is to grab Inkscape and install the "save as FXG" plug-in. Hats off to JazzyNico for writing what is basically a monster SVG to FXG "XSL Transform" (i.e. XSLT).
How to install:
Drop both files in your Inkscape "extensions" folder.
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Inkscape\extensions
Restart Inkscape and you'll find a new FXG entry in the "File > Save As" dialog.
This plugin has been a boon for me and my work, since I've become quite comfortable with Inkscape over the years.
Unfortunately (and this may just be my setup), I've found that whenever I save as FXG, a few minutes later Inkscape crashes out (I really should post a bug report). Just in case you have the same problem, make sure you go to the "Save" preferences and turn on auto-backup. Also, keep in mind that certain constructs in SVG have no equivalent in FXG. Don't ask me what they are, I honestly can't remember.
I have used this process to generate a ton of FXG assets that I have imported into my Flex projects.
1. Draw the shape in Flash CS5
2. Break the shape apart (Ctrl+B)
3. Select the shape
4. File -> Export -> Export Selection
5. Save as FXG
You can then import them directly into Flex and voila! Good to go!
Use Inkscape SVG editor: it will allows you to convert svg to fxg starting version 0.49 thanks to the svg2fxg plug-in.
In the mean time (version 0.48) you can install the svg2fxg plug-in manually as explained by RIAGrande:
Install Inkscape
Get the 2 svg2fxg plug-in files from here (from head repository):
and copy them in Inkscape extension folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions on Windows 7)
You can now start Inkscape and will get a new "File -> Save As -> Flash XML graphics (*.svg)" entry.
I successfully tested it and used the fxg generated assets in on IPhone: it works fine :-)
Firstly, RIAGrande's answer is correct. I followed his steps and they worked. Here is a little more information for future reference:
The Inkscape bug report for FXG with downloads available under Patches can be found at These files (when uncompressed) should be copied to the location mentioned by RIAGrande
I made my little icon, but he exported FXG file was not indented, so used to fomat the file, Downloaded, copied to my project in Flash Builder and renamed as .fxg file.
To use the FXG file, did the following:
<local:fxgInkscapeIcon height="100" width="100" x="50" y="50"/>
For posterity, here is the icon and resulting Inkscape FXG code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Graphic xmlns="" xmlns:fxg="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:inkscape="" xmlns:svg="" version="2.0" viewWidth="16" viewHeight="16">
<Rect width="16" height="16">
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