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FxCop for SQL Server - Tool to analyze SQL Server databases for potential issues

Is there a tool out there that can analyse SQL Server databases for potential problems?

For example:

  • a foreign key column that is not indexed
  • an index on a uniqueidentifier column that has no FILL FACTOR
  • a LastModifiedDate DATETIME column that has no UPDATE trigger to update the datetime
  • a large index with "high" fragmentation
  • a non-fragmented index that exists in multiple extents
  • a trigger that does not contain SET NOCOUNT ON (leaving it suspectible to "A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active.")
  • a database, table, stored procedure, trigger, view, created with SET ANSI_NULLS OFF
  • a database or table with SET ANSI_PADDING OFF
  • a database or table created with SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF
  • a highly fragmented index that might benefit from a lower FILLFACTOR (i.e. more padding)
  • a table with a very wide clustered index (e.g. uniqueidentifier+uniqueidentifier)
  • a table with a non-unique clustered index
  • use of text/ntext rather than varchar(max)/nvarchar(max)
  • use of varchar in columns that could likely contain localized strings and should be nvarchar (e.g. Name, FirstName, LastName, BusinessName, CountryName, City)
  • use of *=, =*, *=* rather than LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN
  • trigger that returns a results set
  • any column declared as timestamp rather than rowversion
  • a nullable timestamp column
  • use of image rather than varbinary(max)
  • databases not in simple mode (or a log file more than 100x the size of the data file)

Is there an FxCop for SQL Server?

Note: The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Best Practices Analyzer doesn't fit the bill.

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Ian Boyd Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 15:01

Ian Boyd

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2 Answers

There's SQLCop - free, and quite an interesting tool, too!

enter image description here

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marc_s Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


There is a tool called Static Code Analysis (not exactly a great name given its collision with VS-integrated FxCop) that is included with Visual Studio Premium and Ultimate that can cover at least the design-time subset of your rules. You can also add your own rules if the in-box rule set doesn't do everything you want.

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Nicole Calinoiu Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Nicole Calinoiu