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Futures for blocking calls in Scala

The Akka documentation says:

you may be tempted to just wrap the blocking call inside a Future and work with that instead, but this strategy is too simple: you are quite likely to find bottlenecks or run out of memory or threads when the application runs under increased load.

They suggest the following strategies:

  • Do the blocking call within a Future, ensuring an upper bound on the number of such calls at any point in time (submitting an unbounded number of tasks of this nature will exhaust your memory or thread limits).

  • Do the blocking call within a Future, providing a thread pool with an upper limit on the number of threads which is appropriate for the hardware on which the application runs.

Do you know about any implementation of those strategies?

like image 974
Michael Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 14:04


People also ask

Is Scala Future blocking?

By default, futures and promises are non-blocking, making use of callbacks instead of typical blocking operations. To simplify the use of callbacks both syntactically and conceptually, Scala provides combinators such as flatMap , foreach , and filter used to compose futures in a non-blocking way.

How do you use Future in Scala?

Future. Future represents a result of an asynchronous computation that may or may not be available yet. When we create a new Future, Scala spawns a new thread and executes its code. Once the execution is finished, the result of the computation (value or exception) will be assigned to the Future.

Is Future blocking onComplete?

NOTE: With Future. onComplete() we are no longer blocking for the result from the Future but instead we will receive a callback for either a Success or a Failure.

What is Future sequence in Scala?

sequence takes a list of futures and transforms it into a single future of list in an asynchronous manner. For instance, assume that you have a list of independent jobs to be run simultaneously. In such a case, the list of futures can be composed into a single future of list using Future. sequence.

1 Answers

Futures are run within execution contexts. This is obvious from the Future API: any call which involves attaching some callbacks to a future or to build a future from an arbitrary computation or from another future requires an implicitly available ExecutionContext object. So you can control the concurrency setup for your futures by tuning the ExecutionContext in which they run.

For instance, to implement the second strategy you can do something like

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.future

object Main extends App {

  val ThreadCount = 10
  implicit val executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(ThreadCount))

  val f = future {
    println(s"Hello ! I'm running in an execution context with $ThreadCount threads")

like image 100
Marius Danila Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10

Marius Danila