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function/selector to filter inputs by value



Is there a built-in function/selector in jQuery to filter the inputs by value?

I can create a custom selector:

$.extend($.expr[":"], {
    val: function(elem, index, match) {
       return $(elem).val() == match[3];

and use it like this: $("input:val('Some text')").

I was just wondering if something like this already exists or maybe there is a better way.

like image 303
Corneliu Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 14:07


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2 Answers

It doesn't look like there's a built-in solution. But for a one-off selector, .filter() is an option:

$('input').filter(function() { return $(this).val() === 'Some text'; });
like image 171
Karl Horky Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Karl Horky

You can do this:


you can also chain it


look here:

like image 29
Nicola Peluchetti Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Nicola Peluchetti