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Functions may not be defined within control directives or other mixins

In my nodeJS project suddenly it give error.I do not any upgrade or changes. When I write NPM start in command line it give that error

 ERROR in ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?

    Module build failed:
          Functions may not be defined within control directives or other mixins.
          in c:\TFS\rc1\node_modules\compass-mixins\lib\compass\functions\_lists.scss (line 81, column 3)
     @ ./app/scss/_toolkit.scss 4:14-337

I reinstall compass-mixins package but it still give same error.Then I looked _lists.scss that file in 81 line there is a code .I deleted that bu it give same error.What should I do?

@if not(function-exists(compact)) {
  @function compact($vars...) {
    $list: ();
    @each $var in $vars {
        @if $var {
            $list: append($list, $var, comma);
    @return $list;
like image 615
user1688401 Avatar asked Apr 21 '16 16:04


1 Answers

I also face the similar problem. And my project is using gulp-sass and compass-mixins. As heart.cooks.mind points out that, gulp-sass is depending on node-sass. And node-sass upgrade one of its dependence libsass to version libsass 3.3.3 Delorean since node-sass 3.5.1.

However, one of libsass 3.3.3 Delorean changes is related to this problem:
'Disallow functions to be defined in control directives or mixins (@mgreter, #1550)'

Obviously, _lists.scss in compass-mixins break this rule. Seems someone raise an issue to compass-mixins and they have idea on fixing it.

Before compass-mixins release the issue fixed version, my temporary workaround is to delete node_modules/node-sass manually and npm install [email protected]

like image 135
Vincent Pang Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Vincent Pang