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Function type with receiver in Scala

I'm investigating this Kotlin example:

class HTML {
    fun body() { ... }

fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
  val html = HTML()  // create the receiver object
  html.init()        // pass the receiver object to the lambda
  return html

html {       // lambda with receiver begins here
    body()   // calling a method on the receiver object

I'm wonder how to write this code in scala? How to declare in scala function type with receiver?

like image 704
Sol Avatar asked Jan 29 '16 11:01


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1 Answers

There is no equivalent to this in Scala. You'd simply use a function which takes HTML as an argument (possibly as an implicit argument, but this isn't reflected in the type and unlikely in this case).

like image 58
Alexey Romanov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Alexey Romanov