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Function returns BYTE array

I want my function to return a BYTE array. The function is as follows.

BYTE sendRecieveData(BYTE control, unsigned int value){

//Open connection to LAC

//declare variables
BYTE bufDataOut[3];
BYTE bufDataIn[3];
DWORD bufInProcess;
DWORD bufOutProcess;

//sets CONTROL

//sets DATA to be sent to LAC
BYTE low_byte = 0xff & value;
BYTE high_byte = value >> 8;


return bufDataIn[3];

It doesn't return a byte array and when I change BYTE to BYTE[] or BYTE[3] it gives me an error.

like image 993
moesef Avatar asked Feb 27 '12 18:02


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1 Answers

Since your array is relatively small I'd recommend to pass your buffer as a function argument.

void sendRecieveData(BYTE control, unsigned int value, BYTE (&buffdataIn)[3] ).

Now, one will use this function as follows:

BYTE result[3] = {0};
sendRecieveData(3, 0, result);

This way you may avoid usage of dynamic memory allocation and make your code safer.

like image 183
Igor Chornous Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10

Igor Chornous