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Function parameters: IEnumerable, ICollection or array?

If I have a function that takes a collection of a certain type, what parameter type should I use?
I have previously assumed IEnumerable is the default, but I would like to know if this is correct and if so, why.
ICollection also seems like a valid candidate (due to its name), but I get the impression IEnumerables are more user friendly.
I figured looking at examples the framework gives us would be a good idea, but I find that something like String.Join, asks for an array of strings.

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Protector one Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 10:06

Protector one

2 Answers

You take the one that imposes the least on clients but allows you to get your job done. If you can get away with IEnumerable<T> over ICollection<T>, then you should use it because this gives greater flexibility to clients of your API.

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Kent Boogaart Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Kent Boogaart

IEnumerable are more preferred over ICollections. Here is the generous answer to your question.

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vendettamit Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
