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Function inside factory method can communicate



i have one doubt regarding the factory directory of angular js.

suppose this is fact1 directory .I want to call funct1 method inside the funct2 method.

        //some code here
      //some code here
      // call here funct1()

first tell me this is possible or not? if possible then how i can call funct1 method inside the funct2 method.

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Proxy_Server Avatar asked Jan 06 '14 19:01


3 Answers

Instead of directly returning in factory, you can do something like this:

  var obj = {};

     obj.funct1 = function(){
        //some code here

     obj.funct2 = function(){
      //some code here
      // call here funct1()
      obj.funct1();/* calling the funct1 */
     return obj;


This should work for you.

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Sandeep Gantait Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Sandeep Gantait

Why not do something like this:


    function funct1 () {
        // Do some code...

    function funct2 () {
        // Do some code...

        funct1: funct1,
        funct2: funct2

I've personally found this way to be much more usable/readable than stashing every function in my return object. Also, I'm not a big fan of using this in my return objects.

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gonzofish Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


Sure it's possible. This is just normal javascript object usage:

return {
    funct1: function () {
        //some code here
    funct2: function () {
        //some code here

UPD. There was a little confusion in comments that it does not work. It does, however you need to understand that it's very important how funct2 method is called. Namely, method should not be detached from it's base object, otherwise this context will be different and this.funct1() will point to the wrong (usually inexistent) method. Common way to loose context:

$('.something').on('click', obj.funct2);

In the above, obj.funct2 this will be the HTML element object, not the obj anymore. However, below version will work properly:

// use anonymous function
$('.something').on('click', function() { obj.funct2() });

// bind explicitly to context
$('.something').on('click', obj.funct2.bind(obj));

Here is very important to understand MDN article: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this

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dfsq Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
