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Function definition inside function [duplicate]



If i have code:

function A() {

  function B() {





is B function parsed and created each time i call A(so it can decrease performance of A)?

like image 482
Krab Avatar asked Jul 16 '13 07:07


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1 Answers

If you want use a function only internally, how about closure. Here an example

    var A = (function () {
    var publicFun = function () { console.log("I'm public"); }
    var privateFun2 = function () { console.log("I'm private"); }

    console.log("call from the inside");

    return {
        publicFun: publicFun

console.log("call from the outside");
A.privateFun(); //error, because this function unavailable
like image 83
IgorCh Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10
