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FullCalendar - Header/Title to custom <DIV>?



I have build up a custom header in my Full-Calendar project. I control the full calendar functions from my own buttons.

I want to disable the original FC-Header, but I want to keep the "Title". Exactly I want to move the Title to a custom . Please have a look at the following screenshot to get an idea of what I'm talking:

Screenshot - Custom Header

Is this possible? How to?

Thank you!

like image 605
Walhalla Avatar asked Oct 14 '16 16:10


1 Answers

Yes this can be done easily by using the viewRender callback. It gives you access to the View Object which you can grab the title from. So in my JSFiddle I have set up my calendar to not display a title and then in the viewRender function I grab the title and use jquery to place it into my external element. viewRender will be called when your calendar view changes so it should stay updated.

$(document).ready(function() {
      header: {
          left: 'prev,next today',
          right: 'month,agendaWeek'
      defaultView: 'month',
      viewRender: function(view) {
        var title = view.title;
like image 133
Ryan89 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
