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fsum for numpy.arrays, stable summation

I have a number of multidimensional numpy.arrays with small values that I need to add up with little numerical error. For floats, there is math.fsum (with its implementation here), which has always served me well. numpy.sum isn't stable enough.

How can I get a stable summation for numpy.arrays?


This is for the quadpy package. The arrays of small values are the evaluations of a function at specific points of (many) intervals, times their weights. The sum of these is an approximation of the integral of said function over the intervals.

like image 693
Nico Schlömer Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 17:03

Nico Schlömer

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1 Answers

Alright then, I've implemented accupy which gives a few stable summation algorithms.

Here's a quick and dirty implementation of Kahan summation for numpy arrays. Notice, however, that it is not not very accurate for ill-conditioned sums.

def kahan_sum(a, axis=0):
    '''Kahan summation of the numpy array along an axis.
    s = numpy.zeros(a.shape[:axis] + a.shape[axis+1:])
    c = numpy.zeros(s.shape)
    for i in range(a.shape[axis]):
        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/42817610/353337
        y = a[(slice(None),) * axis + (i,)] - c
        t = s + y
        c = (t - s) - y
        s = t.copy()
    return s

It does the job, but it's slow because it's Python-looping over the axis-th dimension.

like image 60
Nico Schlömer Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10

Nico Schlömer