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From .net how to I send many “batches” of SQL to Sql-Server without lots of round trips?

We have code that reads in a set of SQL script file, and after doing some processing on them splits them into batches by finding the “GO” keyword and then sends each batch to Sql Server using a separate SqlCommon.

Is there a better way of doing this so we:

  • Don’t have as many round trips
  • Never have SQL Server waiting for the next batch
  • Run faster.

(The batches are mostly creating tables, index, views and stored procs. Speed is an issue as our integration tests calls the code often. The sql-server common line tools may not be installed on the machine that is running this code.)

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Ian Ringrose Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 10:04

Ian Ringrose

1 Answers

2 ideas...

Package the script and modify it to be runnable as a dynamic SQL snippet. Upload the entire batch in a stream using nvarchar(max) and run it using sp_executesql on the server side. Since you control it for integration testing, dynamic SQL is not much of an issue.

Upload the entire batch to the server as a nvarchar(max). Save the file on the SQL Server machine using xp_cmdshell or CLR or other. Again using xp_cmdshell, use sqlcmd to run the script file.

With any sort of batching, you lose some way of identifying exactly where it broke, since you are automating integration testing after all.

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RichardTheKiwi Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10
