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Fri Jul 27 11:50:23 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:3 virt:76 mapped:0



what is the meaning of this mongodb log ::

Fri Jul 27 11:50:23 [clientcursormon] mem (MB) res:3 virt:76 mapped:0

  1. what is res ?.
  2. what is virt ?.
  3. what is mapped ?.
like image 651
Onkar Janwa Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 10:07

Onkar Janwa

1 Answers

It tells you how much memory is currently in use :-

Res = Resident Memory Used (Physical Ram)
Vir = Virtual Memory Used
Mapped = Mapped memory used

Checking Server Memory Usage - MongoDB may help to explain further.

like image 200
John Mitchell Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 21:11

John Mitchell