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Freemarker - creating multiple child tags

Given an ftl file which is structured as below (just an example) i am able to replace / insert all elements in to level 1 which is fine.

My confusion arises when there maybe multiple level2's - for example it could repeat many times. As such my process for replacing will hit a pain point


    map.put("a", "valuefora");
    map.put("b", "valueforb");
    map.put("c", "valueforc");
    map.put("d", "valueford");

    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
    cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File("C:\\templates"));
    Template temp = cfg.getTemplate("freemarker.ftl");
    Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
    temp.process(map, out);

At this point here - assuming i have a list of values to have multiple level2 nodes - how would i go about producing this using the style shown above?


like image 383
Biscuit128 Avatar asked Jan 19 '16 16:01


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1 Answers

I am not sure if i really understand your question, but i think you would just use the freemarker list-command. You would put Maps or Lists in your context. The list-command is documented here

<#list your.object.or.map as listElem>

Your context object, just needs an according map or object.

The quickstart guide(see The list directive) also contains an example for using the list directive.

like image 121
Hendrik Jander Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Hendrik Jander