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Frameworks to store data client side

Are there any frameworks or API to store data client side conveniently, by transferring from database, during user's session ? I'm looking for any framework so that I dont have to, perhaps, care about whether or not the browser support LocalStorage or other storage technologies & I can seamlessly store data!?

For my personal use case, I need to be able to pass an unfiltered list of recommended items for user & remove the ones he has added to his lists. I want to store the user's lists client side and then filter the unadded items.

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Rajat Gupta Avatar asked Feb 09 '12 08:02

Rajat Gupta

People also ask

Which can be used to store client-side data?

Since the early days of the web, sites have used cookies to store information to personalize user experience on websites. They're the earliest form of client-side storage commonly used on the web.

What is client-side frameworks?

The client-side framework is usually a JavaScript library and runs in a Web browser, such as React, Angular and Vue. A number of web developers opt to build their web applications on top of client-side framework libraries.

2 Answers

Lawnchair abstracts away the various storage mechanisms available via a series of adapters. It can utilize localStorage, indexedDB, web SQL, and more.

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int3 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


you can use jQuery .data() or jQuery.data()

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Chamika Sandamal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Chamika Sandamal