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"Framework not found GoogleAppMeasurement" Getting error while adding framework manually

when I try to add framework manually it shows me error like " Framework not found GoogleAppMeasurement" and when I checked it in details it looks like following:

ld: framework not found GoogleAppMeasurement clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I tried with adding architectures like arm7, amr7s, amr64 and arm64e in build setting.

Already clean derived data and clean + build and restart Xcode.

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Mr.Javed Multani Avatar asked Jul 08 '19 08:07

Mr.Javed Multani

4 Answers

This happens if you have enabled automatic icloud upload for desktop/documents. To fix this issue, navigate to the pods folder where you have created the ios project, inside pods folder find GoogleAppMeasurement > Frameworks >. Then, right click on on the GoogleAppMeasurement.framework and click "Download". This will download the file from icloud and should solve the problem

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gaurav mogra Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 19:11

gaurav mogra

I can confirm this.

  1. Copy your whole project somewhere outside iCloud.
  2. Delete the (empty) folder GoogleAppMeasurement inside the Pods folder
  3. rerun "pod install" in Terminal

Now it should work.

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Kuhlemann Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11


I received this error when iCloud on my MacBook had cleaned up the GoogleAppMeasurement in the pod file to increase storage space. It cleaned up most of the pod files over the next couple of days as well as the actual swift files. Still working on a fix for this - temporary fixes are usable iCloud and loose important documents also stored there, or copy and paste code into a new Xcode project.

Very frustrating!!

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Luke Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 18:11


Not exactly the Answer for this question, but someone might land here as I did. I had the Pod Firebase/Analytics in the project and had to replace it with Firebase/AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport as should avoid using Tracking to conform ATT. Anyway, as i updated the Podfile as described here https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/configure-data-collection?platform=ios#disable-IDFA-collection i got the above error.

To solve the issue, I had to update "other linker flags" in the targets Build Settings from "GoogleAppMeasurement" to "GoogleAppMeasurementWithoutAdIdSupport" of course for all in the App.

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Darkglow Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11
