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for(;true;) different from while(true)?




If my understanding is correct, they do exactly the same thing. Why would anyone use for the "for" variant? Is it just taste?

Edit: I suppose I was also thinking of for (;;).

like image 708
Sydius Avatar asked Jan 13 '09 20:01


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Master C and Embedded C Programming- Learn as you go The while is a loop of C or C++. Using this loop we can check one condition, and the statements inside the loop will be executed while the condition is true. The while(1) or while(any non-zero value) is used for infinite loop. There is no condition for while.

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1 Answers

for (;;)

is often used to prevent a compiler warning:




usually throws a compiler warning about a conditional expression being constant (at least at the highest warning level).

like image 95
Stefan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10
