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Form.ShowDialog() and dispose

If I have a method like this:

public void Show()
   Form1 f = new Form1();

Do I still need to call dispose on the form even though it will go out of scope, which will be eligible for garbage collection.

From some testing, calling this Show() multiple times .. at some point it seems like the GC collects it since I can see the memory spiking then it goes down at some point in time.

From MSDN it seems to say you MUST call dispose when the form is not needed anymore.

like image 858
pdiddy Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 14:07


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1 Answers

ShowDialog has side effect of keeping the GDI objects alive. In order to avoid GDI leak we need to dispose the ShowDialog appropriately. Where as Show method does not have any implication and GDI will be released appropriately. It is recommended to dispose the showDialog and do not rely on Garbage collector.

like image 55
Mendy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
