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Formatting of hard to read try..catch..finally blocks? [closed]

How are you formatting your try..catch.finally blocks? Especially when only wrapping it around a small amount of code, it blows everything and makes code pretty unreadable and unsightly in my opinion.

Such as:

     MyService service = new Service();
     return something;
catch (Exception ex)
     return somethingElse;

These 7 lines of code turned into a 16-line mess.

Any suggestions on better try..catch..finally formatting?

like image 684
Alex Avatar asked Jun 02 '09 00:06


1 Answers

Actually, this reads very well to me. If your actual code looks a lot like this, then I really wouldn't worry about it. It is VERY clear what is happening.

If your actual code is more complex, then consider breaking the blocks into well-named methods.

like image 186
Brian Genisio Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Brian Genisio