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Formatting Large Numbers with .NET

I have a requirement to format large numbers like 4,316,000 as "4.3m".

How can I do this in C#?

like image 798
DaveDev Avatar asked Oct 12 '09 16:10


3 Answers

You can use Log10 to determine the correct break. Something like this could work:

double number = 4316000;

int mag = (int)(Math.Floor(Math.Log10(number))/3); // Truncates to 6, divides to 2
double divisor = Math.Pow(10, mag*3);

double shortNumber = number / divisor;

string suffix;
    case 0:
        suffix = string.Empty;
    case 1:
        suffix = "k";
    case 2:
        suffix = "m";
    case 3:
        suffix = "b";
string result = shortNumber.ToString("N1") + suffix; // 4.3m
like image 118
Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10

Reed Copsey

public static class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        double[] numbers =
            3000, 3300, 3333, 30000, 300000, 3000000, 3000003, 0.253, 0.0253, 0.00253, -0.253003

        foreach (var num in numbers)
            Console.WriteLine($"{num} ==> {num.Humanize()}");


    public static string Humanize(this double number)
        string[] suffix = {"f", "a", "p", "n", "μ", "m", string.Empty, "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"};

        var absnum = Math.Abs(number);

        int mag;
        if (absnum < 1)
            mag = (int) Math.Floor(Math.Floor(Math.Log10(absnum))/3);
            mag = (int) (Math.Floor(Math.Log10(absnum))/3);

        var shortNumber = number/Math.Pow(10, mag*3);

        return $"{shortNumber:0.###}{suffix[mag + 6]}";

This should output:

3000 ==> 3k
3300 ==> 3,3k
3333 ==> 3,333k
30000 ==> 30k
300000 ==> 300k
3000000 ==> 3M
3000003 ==> 3M
0,253 ==> 253m
0,0253 ==> 25,3m
0,00253 ==> 2,53m
-0,253003 ==> -253,003m
like image 29
Troky Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10


divide the number by 1000000.0, then append an "m".

remember to round the number to 1 decimal place.

like image 23
John Boker Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

John Boker