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Formatting date in Web2py Python

I'm looking for a function to format a date in order to get day, month and year. Dates are being stored in my database in the following format 2012-09-26.

like image 970
Agustin.Ferreira Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 15:12


1 Answers

If your goal is to display on web2py template, so you have to use pure Python to format


The above will generate 25/09/2012

Tale a look at Python strftime documentations.

If you want to show only the day.


Also you can set it as a representation for that field

db.mytable.datetime_field.represent = lambda value, row: value.strftime("format-here")

The representation will be useful only on SQLFORM.grid and SQLTABLE

All you need is strftime

like image 168
Bruno Rocha - rochacbruno Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 16:01

Bruno Rocha - rochacbruno