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Format variable as 4 digits with leading zeroes

A store number could be 1-4 digits.

Store #26 would be 0026 in respect to how devices are named, but I'd like to give the techs the ease of being able to type 26 to get the same result.

How can I take this variable and format it to always be 4 digits by appending the leading zeroes?

## Ask user for store number and affected AP number to query $Global:Store = Read-Host "Store Number "; $Global:apNumber= Read-Host "AP Number ";  ## Clean up input for validity IF($store.length -le 4) {   $store =  } 
like image 377
CodeSpent Avatar asked Aug 18 '18 20:08


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1 Answers

You would use -format operator:

'{0:d4}' -f $variable 


the above will work if your variable is an integer, if not you can cast it to integer:

'{0:d4}' -f [int]$variable 
like image 65
4c74356b41 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09
