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Format of EJS and JST template files in rails-backbone gem


I am using the rails-backbone gem ( https://github.com/codebrew/backbone-rails). For rendering HTML, it uses some kind of javascript templates, whose name I cannot tell even after a few hours of search.

For example, it generates such a file for the view template:

# company.jst.ejs <td><%= name %></td> <td><%= tid %></td>  <td><a href="#/<%= _id %>">Show</td> <td><a href="#/<%= _id %>/edit">Edit</td> <td><a href="#/<%= _id %>/destroy" class="destroy">Destroy</a></td> 

My questions are: what is .jst format? And in Rails 3.1, what library processes it? Same question for the .ejs extension. And what's the name of this template engine? Underscore?

like image 310
Nik So Avatar asked Jul 02 '11 13:07

Nik So

People also ask

What is JST EJS?

.ejs – embedded javascript. .jst – javascript template.

1 Answers

Rails processes EJS templates with ejs gem which is a port of underscore.js's _.template function to Ruby. Output of that is a javascript function which in turn will produce the html when run in the browser.

  • .ejs – embedded javascript
  • .jst – javascript template

Here's recent article which includes also description of backbone-rails:

  • Where does my javascript code go? Backbone, JST and the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline
like image 199
Heikki Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10
