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Format date in Datatable output






seq_dates <- data.frame(dates = as.Date("2017-01-01") + 1:6 * 100)
datatable(seq_dates) %>% formatDate(1, "toDateString")

I get a datatable in viewer pane displaying dates in following format "Mon May 22 2017".

Q - How can I format date column as "MM-YY"

If I do,

dplyr::mutate(seq_dates, dates = format(dates, format = "%b-%Y")) %>%

I get the required date format, but in this second case column sorting doesn't work (sorting is done on alphabets rather than dates.)

P.S - I'm implementing this on shiny.

like image 314
Vasim Avatar asked Jun 01 '17 09:06


People also ask

Why is my DataTables data showing in a different format?

If the data to and from the server is in a different format from what you want to display see the formatting - client-side example. This example also makes use of the datetime-moment sorting plug-in for DataTables to ensure that it can correctly sort the formatted date / time strings shown in the columns.

How do I format the data exported from a table?

Buttons has two different methods that can be used to format the data exported differently from the data that is shown in the table: orthogonal options and formatting functions as shown in this example. They both achieve basically the same thing in different ways: namely modification of the output data.

What is displayformat and wireformat in editor's datetime input?

In Editor's datetime input we use displayFormat to describe the format the end user should see, and wireFormat to tell it that the wire format (i.e. the actual value) is in a different format (typically this will be ISO 8601). if (! d) { In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example:

What format does the data loaded from the server come in?

The data loaded from the server (and submitted to it on create / edit) is in the format specified by the displayFormat option (this parameter is required so Editor's datetime input type can parse and understand the date).

Video Answer

2 Answers

Hi in these cases do I think the best solution is to add a dummy column with the dates in orginal format and have the dates column being sorted according to the values in the DUMMY column. This is in Datatable quite easily done. Example code below.

seq_dates <- data.frame(dates = as.Date("2017-01-01") + 1:6 * 100)
datatable(seq_dates %>% mutate(DUMMY = dates,dates = format(dates, format = "%b-%Y")),
          options = list(
            columnDefs = list(
              list(targets = 1,orderData = 2),
              list(targets = 2, visible = FALSE)
like image 166
Bertil Baron Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Bertil Baron

For what it's worth (and using formatDate), the best that I can do is as follows:

datatable(seq_dates) %>% 
    columns = 1, 
    method =  "toLocaleDateString", 
    params = list(
        year = 'numeric', 
        month = 'numeric')

And this yields date values like 4/2017 and 10/2017.

I've tried to find these parameter options (in github and the original datatables documentation) but to no avail. The only example in DT uses the parameters of short, long and numeric.

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p0bs Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
