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Form not submitting with JS

I have the worlds most simple javascript function:


Which is called by:

<button type="button" id="submit" onclick="fnSubmit()">Submit</button>

All is well and good, the print dialog shows up, however after printing or canceling the print I get the following error:

"document.formname.submit is not a function"

My form is defined as follows: (obviously I am not using formname in the actual code but you get the idea)

<form name="formname" id="formname" method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']?>">

Obviously I am not trying to do anything special here and I have used similar approaches in the past, what in the world am I missing here?

like image 863
niczak Avatar asked Jun 24 '09 00:06


People also ask

Why form is not submitting in JavaScript?

That always returns false, which causes the form submit to abort. This behaviour was built in to allow JavaScript to prevent a form from submitting if some fields were not filled in properly. You appear to want to use it in this way, but you need to return true to allow the form to submit.

Can I use JavaScript to submit a form?

The JavaScript form submission can be used for object creation and various attributes can also be used. The attributes can be class, id, tag, etc. Calling by attributes is quite simple, we just need to place the symbols properly.

Why is the submit button not working?

Sometimes the problem is caused by old versions of the Javascript files, cached by your browser and can be fixed by clearing the browser cache. You can use the browser console of your browser for debugging. After the Javascript error is fixed, the submit button will automatically be enabled.

What is correct way to submit a form using JavaScript?

When we click on the link, the function submitForm() will get executed. This function will get the element object using DOM getElementById() method by passing the form id to this method, then the form will be submitted by using submit() method. Example: Create a form and submit it using the above approach.

2 Answers

In short: change the id of your submit button to something different than "submit". Also, don't set the name to this value either.

Now, some deeper insight. The general case is that document.formname.submit is a method that, when called, will submit the form. However, in your example, document.formname.submit is not a method anymore, but the DOM node representing the button.

This happens because elements of a form are available as attributes of its DOM node, via their name and id attributes. This wording is a bit confusing, so here comes an example:

<form name="example" id="example" action="/">
  <input type="text" name="exampleField" />
  <button type="button" name="submit" onclick="document.example.submit(); return false;">Submit</button>

On this example, document.forms.example.exampleField is a DOM node representing the field with name "exampleField". You can use JS to access its properties such as its value: document.forms.example.exampleField.value.

However, on this example there is an element of the form called "submit", and this is the submit button, which can be accessed with document.forms.example.submit. This overwrites the previous value, which was the function that allows you to submit the form.


If renaming the field isn't good for you, there is another solution. Shortly before writing this, I left the question on the site and got a response in the form of a neat JavaScript hack:

function hack() {
  var form = document.createElement("form");
  var myForm = document.example;

See How to reliably submit an HTML form with JavaScript? for complete details

like image 155
pablobm Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11


Given that your form has both an id and a name defined, you could use either one of these:

With the form tag's id:


With the form tag's name attribute:

like image 35
artlung Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
