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Foreach loop, determine which is the last iteration of the loop

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What is foreach loop with example?

C# provides an easy to use and more readable alternative to for loop, the foreach loop when working with arrays and collections to iterate through the items of arrays/collections. The foreach loop iterates through each item, hence called foreach loop.

Is foreach iterative?

forEach(callback) method is an efficient way to iterate over all array items. Its first argument is the callback function, which is invoked for every item in the array with 3 arguments: item, index, and the array itself.

Which is the fastest while for foreach () for of?

Correctly used, while is the fastest, as it can have only one check for every iteration, comparing one $i with another $max variable, and no additional calls before loop (except setting $max) or during loop (except $i++; which is inherently done in any loop statement).

If you just need to do something with the last element (as opposed to something different with the last element then using LINQ will help here:

Item last = Model.Results.Last();
// do something with last

If you need to do something different with the last element then you'd need something like:

Item last = Model.Results.Last();
foreach (Item result in Model.Results)
    // do something with each item
    if (result.Equals(last))
        // do something different with the last item
        // do something different with every item but the last

Though you'd probably need to write a custom comparer to ensure that you could tell that the item was the same as the item returned by Last().

This approach should be used with caution as Last may well have to iterate through the collection. While this might not be a problem for small collections, if it gets large it could have performance implications. It will also fail if the list contains duplicate items. In this cases something like this may be more appropriate:

int totalCount = result.Count();
for (int count = 0; count < totalCount; count++)
    Item result = Model.Results[count];

    // do something with each item
    if ((count + 1) == totalCount)
        // do something different with the last item
        // do something different with every item but the last

How about a good old fashioned for loop?

for (int i = 0; i < Model.Results.Count; i++) {

     if (i == Model.Results.Count - 1) {
           // this is the last item

Or using Linq and the foreach:

foreach (Item result in Model.Results)   
     if (Model.Results.IndexOf(result) == Model.Results.Count - 1) {
             // this is the last item

Using Last() on certain types will loop thru the entire collection!
Meaning that if you make a foreach and call Last(), you looped twice! which I'm sure you'd like to avoid in big collections.

Then the solution is to use a do while loop:

using var enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator();

var last = !enumerator.MoveNext();
T current;

while (!last)
  current = enumerator.Current;        

  //process item

  last = !enumerator.MoveNext();        
    //additional processing for last item

So unless the collection type is of type IList<T> the Last() function will iterate thru all collection elements.


If your collection provides random access (e.g. implements IList<T>), you can also check your item as follows.

if(collection is IList<T> list)
  return collection[^1]; //replace with collection.Count -1 in pre-C#8 apps

As Chris shows, Linq will work; just use Last() to get a reference to the last one in the enumerable, and as long as you aren't working with that reference then do your normal code, but if you ARE working with that reference then do your extra thing. Its downside is that it will always be O(N)-complexity.

You can instead use Count() (which is O(1) if the IEnumerable is also an ICollection; this is true for most of the common built-in IEnumerables), and hybrid your foreach with a counter:

var i=0;
var count = Model.Results.Count();
foreach (Item result in Model.Results)
    if (++i == count) //this is the last item

var last = objList.LastOrDefault();
foreach (var item in objList)
  if (item.Equals(last))