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Forcing the context

I have this class where I have a private property and a public method for access:

Person = function () {
    this.Name = "asd";

    var _public = new Object();
    _public.Name = function (value) {
        if (value == undefined) { //Get
            return this.Name
        } else {
            this.Name = value; //Set

    return _public;

I want to force the context in _public.Name for access a this.Name.

I know the technique of closure, but I want to see if I can force a context.

I found a technique to do it, extend object Function:

Function.prototype.setScope = function (scope) {
    var f = this;

    return function () {

And my class becomes:

Person = function () {
    this.Name = "asd";

    var _public = new Object();
    _public.Name = function (value) {
        if (value == undefined) {
            return this.Name
        } else {
            this.Name = value;

    return _public;

So I can force correctly the context, but I can not pass value and can not, however, return this.Name.

like image 303
Ermes Enea Colella Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 11:12

Ermes Enea Colella

1 Answers





(No () after f.) You want to use the apply function on the function f object, not call the function f and access apply on its return value.

To also pass on the arguments that your function in setScope receives, add this:

f.apply(scope, arguments);

arguments is an implicit argument to all functions, which is a pseudo-array of the actual arguments passed to the function at runtime. apply accepts any array-like thing as its second parameter to specify the arguments to use when calling the underlying function.

I'd also have it return the return value:

return f.apply(scope, arguments);

So setScope becomes:

Function.prototype.setScope = function (scope) {
    var f = this;

    return function () {
        return f.apply(scope, arguments);

Live example

Note that the usual name for this function, and the name it has in the new ECMAScript5 standard, is bind (Section; ECMAScript5's bind also lets you curry arguments, which isn't done by this implementation). setScope is a particularly unfortunate name, because it doesn't set the scope, it sets the context.

Having said all that, there's no reason you need setScope in your Person constructor. You can just do this:

Person = function () {
    var self = this;

    this.Name = "asd";

    var _public = new Object();
    _public.Name = function (value) {
        if (value == undefined) {
            return self.Name;
        } else {
            self.Name = value;

    return _public;

Live example

But using bind (aka setScope) can be useful in places where you don't want a new closure over the context in which you're doing it.

Off-topic: The way you're specifying Person will break certain things people might expect to work, such as:

var p = new Person();
alert(p instanceof Person); // Expect "true", but in your case will be "false"

...because you're replacing the object new created for you, but returning a different object out of your constructor (which overrides the default).

Rather than creating a new object and returning that in your constructor, allow the object constructed for you by new to be the object (and thus the Person relationship is maintained), but you can still get truly private variables and use accessors:

function Person() {
    // Private variable
    var name = "asd";

    // Accessor function
    this.Name = function(value) {
        if (typeof value === "undefined") {
            return name;
        name = value;

Live example

As you can see, this is dramatically simpler, and it preserves the instanceof relationship. Note that we're not qualifying our references to name within Name at all, and so we're using the local variable in the constructor call in which our Name function, which closes over it, was created.

I've also taken the liberty there of giving the constructor function a name, because I'm not a fan of anonymous functions. I should have given the accessor a name as well:

function Person() {
    // Private variable
    var name = "asd";

    // Accessor function
    this.Name = Person_Name;
    function Person_Name(value) {
        if (typeof value === "undefined") {
            return name;
        name = value;

Off-topic 2: The overwhelming convention in JavaScript code is to use initial caps on function names only for constructor functions (like Person), and not on other kinds of functions (like Name). You're free to do whatever you like, of course, but I thought I'd mention the convention, as it makes it easier for other people to read your code.

Worth noting: All of these techniques result in every single Person object having its own copy of the accessor function. If there are going to be a lot of these objects, that could be a memory issue. If there are only going to be a few, that's fine.

like image 109
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 01:12

T.J. Crowder