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forcing RequireJS text! to reload

Using the text! plugin, is there a way of forcing RequireJS to reload a file rather than returning the cached data?

like image 874
nicholas Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 23:02


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The define() function can be used to load the modules (module can be an object, function, class or a code which is executed after loading a module). You can load different versions of the same module in the same page.

1 Answers

RequireJS will only cache the file per request. A page reload will fetch it again. If you see something different it is because:

  • Either you have caching on your server.
  • or your browser caches the request. You can of course disable this on your browser.

If you want browsers to fetch a clean file every time, you should have a no-cache header for these resources on your server.

like image 72
ggozad Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10
