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force_ssl in production.rb - how to override in controller to just be http

in my production.rb, I have

  config.force_ssl = true

and would like to provide exceptions. It looks like this should work (can't find how to get back to 3.2.19):

class ApiItemsController < ApplicationController

  force_ssl except: :get_item_test

but it doesn't. I've seen Rails 3.2 force_ssl except on landing page but really don't want to be adding gems for such a trivial thing. How do I get this to work?

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enter image description here

like image 869
timpone Avatar asked Sep 10 '14 16:09


1 Answers

@brad-werth is totally right that HTS headers make this something you probably don't want to do. But I keep wanting to do it anyway so here's what I've learned:

On Rails 5 (according to the ActionDispatch::SSL docs ):

config.ssl_options = { redirect: { exclude: -> request { request.path =~ /health_check/ } } }

In Rails 4 (and some Rails 3 versions) you have to use a separate gem. Or if it's possible to do what you need in a middleware you could try something like this:

# config/environments/production.rb
config.middleware.insert_before 'ActionDispatch::SSL', 'HealthCheck'

# app/middleware/health_check.rb
class HealthCheck
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app
  def call(env)
    if env['REQUEST_PATH'] == '/health_check'
      return [200, {}, []]

Some versions of Rails 3 reportedly support something like this:

config.ssl_options = { exclude: proc { |env| env['PATH_INFO'].start_with?('/health_check')} }

To answer the actual asked question the config.force_ssl setting in the environment is quite different from using force_ssl in a controller and can't be overriden that way.

like image 152
eremite Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
