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force-skip the Stripe connect account application form

The Stripe getting started guide suggests that you can force-skip the bank information form when testing your oAuth flow in development. How do I do this?

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David Tengdin Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 21:04

David Tengdin

2 Answers

Before starting the oAuth flow, make sure you are using a development mode connected application key for the "client_id". Then when you start the oAuth flow, you'll see this banner at the top of the account application form. Click on this link to skip the activation form.

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David Tengdin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10

David Tengdin

For other readers that might come here with this problem and if you see the login screen when trying to connect you need to:

  • Click Sign Up - on the bottom of the page
  • Click Skip this step - in the subtitle
  • After that you will have the normal screen on in top right you will have Skip this account form"

I had this morning this problem and I manage to go back to the screen where I can skip doing so.

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Daniel Dudas Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10

Daniel Dudas