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Force redraw of Xamarin.Forms View with custom renderer

I have a visual element MyButton with a custom renderer implemented for iOS.


namespace RendererTest
    public class MyButton: Button
        public Color BoundaryColor { get; set; }

    public static class App
        public static Page GetMainPage()
            var button = new MyButton { Text = "Click me!", BoundaryColor = Color.Red };
            button.Clicked += (sender, e) => (sender as MyButton).BoundaryColor = Color.Blue;
            return new ContentPage { Content = button };


[assembly:ExportRenderer(typeof(MyButton), typeof(MyButtonRenderer))]

namespace RendererTest.iOS
    public class MyButtonRenderer: ButtonRenderer
        public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
            using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext()) {
                context.SetStrokeColor((Element as MyButton).BoundaryColor.ToCGColor());

When pressing the button, the red boundary should become blue. Apparently the renderer does not notice the changed property. How can I trigger a redraw?

(This example is for iOS. But my question applies to Android as well.)

like image 760
Falko Avatar asked Aug 04 '14 19:08


2 Answers

First, turn you BoundaryColor into a bindable property. That's not required, firing INPC event is enough, but then you can bind to it:

public static readonly BindableProperty BoundaryColorProperty =
    BindableProperty.Create ("BoundaryColor", typeof(Color), typeof(MyButton), Color.Default);

public Color BoundaryColor {
    get { return (Color)GetValue (BoudaryColorProperty); }
    set { SetValue (BoundaryColorProperty, value); }

then, in your renderer:

protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    base.OnElementPropertyChanged (sender, e);

    if (e.PropertyName == MyButton.BoundaryColorProperty.PropertyName)
        SetNeedsDisplay ();
like image 86
Stephane Delcroix Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 06:11

Stephane Delcroix

Two modifications were required:

  1. Call OnPropertyChanged within the setter of the BoundaryColor property:

    public class MyButton: Button
        Color boundaryColor = Color.Red;
        public Color BoundaryColor {
            get {
                return boundaryColor;
            set {
                boundaryColor = value;
                OnPropertyChanged();  // <-- here
  2. Subscribe to the event within the OnElementChanged method of MyButtonRenderer:

    public class MyButtonRenderer: ButtonRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Button> e)
            Element.PropertyChanged += (s_, e_) => SetNeedsDisplay();  // <-- here
        public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
            // ...

Note: It seems to be important to subscribe within OnElementChanged and not the constructor. Otherwise a System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException is raised.

like image 10
Falko Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 06:11
