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Force python subclass init to use subclass variables, not parent class



In the following code:

class A(object):
  VALUE = 1
  def __init__(self, value=VALUE):
    self.value = value

class B(A):
  VALUE = 2

i'd expect that B().value should be equal to 2, however:

B().value = 1

Is there an elegant way to define a class hierarchy where child classes can just declare class variables they want to override and have them be defaults for the instance variables? I still want to allow for these to be changed on a per-instance level, eg.

b = B(value=3)
like image 347
SpongeBob Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 18:12


1 Answers

This is another default arguments question. The point is that when you write

def foo(value=VALUE):

the code inside the function is compiled and made into a function object. It is at this time -- not at call time! -- that the default arguments are stored. So by the time you have defined B it is too late: the default value of foo is already set and changing VALUE won't have any effect.

If this seems a strange thing to do, suppose foo was a global function:

default = 3
def foo(x=default): pass

Then any other code, anywhere, could screw up foo by doing

global default
default = 4

This is arguably just as confusing.

To force the lookups to be done at runtime not compile time, you need to put them inside the function:

def foo(value=None):
    self.value = self.VALUE if value is None else value

or (not quite the same but prettier)

self.value = value or self.VALUE

(This is different because it will treat any 'falsy' value as a sentinel -- that is, 0, [], {} etc will all be overwritten by VALUE.)

EDIT: @mgilson pointed out another way of doing this:

def foo(**kwargs):
    self.value = kwargs.get("value", self.VALUE)

This is neater in that it doesn't require you to make a sentinel value (like None or object(), but it does change the argument specification of foo quite fundamentally since now it will accept arbitrary keyword arguments. Your call.

like image 100
Katriel Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 08:12
