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Force positive weight keras

I don't find the way to force the weight of my layer to be positive ( on Keras 1.2.2)

Do you know a way to force positive weight ?



like image 797
Williamben Avatar asked Jul 19 '17 17:07


People also ask

What is kernel constraint keras?

keras. constraints module allow setting constraints (eg. non-negativity) on model parameters during training. They are per-variable projection functions applied to the target variable after each gradient update (when using fit() ).

What are weights in keras?

1 Answer. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Model weights are all the parameters (including trainable and non-trainable) of the model which are in turn all the parameters used in the layers of the model.

What is weight constraint?

A weight constraint is an update to the network that checks the size of the weights, and if the size exceeds a predefined limit, the weights are rescaled so that their size is below the limit or between a range.

2 Answers

I find the answer !!

In Keras 1.2.2 :

 from keras.constraints import maxnorm, nonneg

 x = Dense(1, bias=0, W_regularizer=regularizers.l1(0.01),W_constraint=nonneg())(input_sequences)
like image 149
Williamben Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10


You can check the constraint function here: https://keras.io/constraints/

If you want non negative output you can use 'relu' activation function on your output layer.

like image 40
paolof89 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
