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Force-Click in IntelliJ?

I'm pretty new to IntelliJ, I also have Apple's new force-click enabled trackpad. Seems like it'd be super useful to be able to assign force-clicking to a keymap action (like bringing up a javadoc for example). Is there anyway to do this? Right now if I try to assign a force click it comes up as 'Button 1'.


like image 748
OneWholeBurrito Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 23:03


1 Answers

This seems to be supported now in at least 2016.2, but you have to set it up.

For instance to set Force Touch to trigger "Go to Declaration" (navigate to function/class/symbol declaration), go to Preferences->Keymap. Then search for "Declaration". Right click the entry and select "Add mouse shortcut". In the popup, perform a force-touch hard-click. Apply and you're done!

like image 67
marathon Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 10:11
