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Force a Derived Class to use the Constructor of the Base Class

Is there a way to force a derived class to use the constructor of the abstract base class? It must not be a real constructor, I have an open mind about creative solutions.

class Abstract
    int Member;
    string Text;

    Abstract(int Member, string Text)
        this->Member = Member; 
        this->Text = Text;

    // e.g. defining virtual functions

For example my abstract class has some private members which every derived class should also have. And they should be defined in the constructor, even against the will of the derived class.

I am aware that constructors are not inherited. But is there a workaround to produce a similar behavior?

like image 529
danijar Avatar asked Oct 08 '12 14:10


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2 Answers

As suggested by other users, you must call the base class constructor into the initializer list of derived class constructor.

But there's another cool solution bringed up by C++11: the inherited constructors:

class Base
    Base(int Member, string Text) { };

class Derived : public Base
    using Base::Base; // <-- Brings to derived the Base's constructor.

But you must assure that your compiler can use C++11 features; and of course, study if the inherited constructor conforms to your requirements instead of using it just because it's cool.

like image 89
PaperBirdMaster Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09


Use initializer list of the derived class' constructor.

class Base
    Base(int Member, string Text) { //...

class Derived : public Base
    Derived(int Member, string Text) : Base(Member, Text) {
                                    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        // ...
like image 25
timrau Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
