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For loop not terminating in c




I am writing some code and I am getting a strange error: my for loop does not seem to exit when the condition statement becomes false. The code is as follows:

static void wstrcpy_from_Py_UNICODE(Py_UNICODE *inBuf, Py_ssize_t strLength, wchar_t **outBuf)
    if (strLength == 0) *outBuf = NULL;
        Py_ssize_t i;
        wprintf(L"String Length: %d\n", strLength);
        *outBuf = (wchar_t *)malloc (sizeof (wchar_t) * (strLength +1));
        for (i=0; i < strLength; i++)
            wprintf("i:%d, strLength:%d\n", i, strLength);
            (*outBuf)[i] = (wchar_t)(inBuf[i]);
            wprintf(L"i < strLength: %d\n\n", i < strLength);
    /* Make sure new string is zero terminated */
    (*outBuf)[i] = L'\0';

When running this code with an example input, (The Py_UNICODE * buffer points to the internal unicode python object made with u"example") I get the following output:

String Length: 7
i:0, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:1, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:2, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:3, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:4, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:5, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:6, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:7, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1

i:8, strLength: 7
i < strLength: 1


The loop doesn't exit until the python interpreter the code is running from (I am wrapping a c module for python) crashes.

The printf's were put in for debugging.

I am compiling this on Mac OSX 10.6, here are the commands I am using to compile:

gcc -c source.c -I/usr/include/python2.6 -I/usr/lib/python2.6
ld -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o out.so source.o -F./ -framework some_framework -macosx_version_min 10.6 -rpath ./

As you can see I am linking in the framework that I am making the python wrapper for. This is not a problem as I can call the functions just fine that use the linked framework, just when I call the function that uses the helper function shown above do I get the problem.

Am I being stupid here and doing something very basic wrong or is something wrong with the compiler? Any help would be much appreciated!

like image 298
ifross Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 17:08


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How to stop for loop C?

break command (C and C++) break ; In a looping statement, the break command ends the loop and moves control to the next command outside the loop. Within nested statements, the break command ends only the smallest enclosing do , for , switch , or while commands.

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The issue with your while loop not closing is because you have an embedded for loop in your code. What happens, is your code will enter the while loop, because while(test) will result in true . Then, your code will enter the for loop. Inside of your for loop, you have the code looping from 1-10.

Why does my FOR LOOP not stop Python?

It's not ending because you don't use break ;-) The right way to break out of a loop in Python is to use break . Pythonic style typically discourages rather than celebrates obfuscatory workarounds.

1 Answers

I think this mostly have to do with number precission. If Py_ssize_t is a 64 bit type, it may be of the form: 0xffffffff00000008 (maybe because a previous calculation value that involves incorrect precision numbers, or mixing signed with unsigned calculations). When considered as an int (32 bits), its result is 8, but when considered as a 64 bit value, it yields a very small negative number (signed), or a very big positive number (unsigned). Try to change the wprintf expressions to write a long decimal (%ld) and see what get's printed, or debug your code with gdb to see the number in its real size.

like image 186
Diego Sevilla Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Diego Sevilla