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For Django models, is there a shortcut for seeing if a record exists?

Say I have a table People, is there a way to just quickly check if a People object exists with a name of 'Fred'? I know I can query


and then check the length of the returned result, but is there a way to do it in a more elegant way?

like image 765
Rhubarb Avatar asked May 18 '10 01:05


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2 Answers


As mentioned in more recent answers, since Django 1.2 you can use the exists() method instead (link).

Original Answer:

Dont' use len() on the result, you should use People.objects.filter(Name='Fred').count(). According to the django documentation,

count() performs a SELECT COUNT(*) behind the scenes, so you should always use count() rather than loading all of the record into Python objects and calling len() on the result (unless you need to load the objects into memory anyway, in which case len() will be faster).

source: Django docs

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vitorbal Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 05:10


An exists() method in the QuerySet API is available since Django 1.2.

like image 20
Chase Seibert Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10

Chase Seibert