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For angular google maps how do I remove the polyline?

For angular google maps how do I remove the polyline? I'm using angular version 1 with JavaScript in a directive using a templateUrl.

Version: angular-google-maps 2.1.5

This is my current HTML:

 <ui-gmap-google-map center="config.map.center" zoom="config.map.zoom" options="config.map.options" events="config.map.events" draggable="true">
        <ui-gmap-polygon path="compatiblePolygon" stroke="polygonConfig.stroke" fill="polygonConfig.fill" fit="true" static="false" visible="polygonConfig.visible" editable="true" draggable="true" clickable="true" events="polygonConfig.events">

        <ui-gmap-markers coords="'self'" options="marker.options" models="compatiblePoints" idkey="'id'" clickable="true" click="markerClicked">

        <ui-gmap-drawing-manager options="drawingManager" static="false" events="config.drawing.events">

This is the img of the polyline drawn that I need to remove:

enter image description here

So far I've tried this on click of my clear map button:


But I then get this console error:

"Cannot read property 'setMap' of undefined"

I've also tried this:

                   uiGmapIsReady.promise(1).then(function (instances) {
                        const map = instances.reduce(function(previous, current) {
                            return current.map;
                        scope.mapInstance = map;

but I get this error: map.setMap is not a function

This is my most recent attempt:

              <ui-gmap-polygon path="compatiblePolygon" stroke="polygonConfig.stroke" fill="polygonConfig.fill" fit="true" static="true" visible="polygonConfig.visible" editable="polygonConfig.editable" draggable="polygonConfig.draggable" clickable="true" events="polygonManager.events">

                scope.polygonManager = {
                    events: {
                        rightclick: function(polygon) {
                        dblclick: function(polygon) {
like image 929
AngularM Avatar asked Apr 06 '16 10:04


People also ask

How do I remove a polyline from Google Maps?

You have to do polyline. setMap(null) , that will remove the line from the map.

How do you remove a polyline?

map. clear(); To clear all the polylines, markers etc.. and add the markers again, then drawn the path.

How do I remove a polyline from Google Maps flutter?

you need to clear polylineCoordinates before plotting new paths. polylineCoordinates. clear(); // call this before checking result value.

1 Answers

Based on the documentation for ui-gmap-polygon:

events: Custom events to apply to the Polygon. This is an associative array, where keys are event names and values are handler functions. See Polygon events. The handler function takes four parameters (note the args are expanding on the original google sdk's default args):

1. Polygon: the GoogleMaps Polygon object

You can clear the polyline using events attribute of ui-gmap-polygon like this:

$scope.events = {
    rightclick: function(polygon) {

<ui-gmap-polygon ... events="events"></ui-gmap-polygon>

This will cause a right click to remove the polygon from the map. There are also other events you can use to trigger this, and they are listed here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference#Polygon
Look under the Events section

Edit: Here is an example demonstrating this functionality: http://plnkr.co/edit/t7zz8e6mCJavanWf9wCC?p=info

like image 128
CShark Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10
