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following a log file over http

For security reasons (I'm a developer) I do not have command line access to our Production servers where log files are written. I can, however access those log files over HTTP. Is there a utility in the manner of "tail -f" that can "follow" a plain text file using only HTTP?

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kurosch Avatar asked Oct 29 '09 18:10


2 Answers

You can do this if the HTTP server accepts requests to return parts of a resource. For example, if an HTTP request contains the header:

Range: bytes=-500

the response will contain the last 500 bytes of the resource. You can fetch that and then parse it into lines, etc. I don't know of any ready-made clients which will do this for you - I'd write a script to do the job.

You can use Hurl to experiment with headers (from publicly available resources).

like image 70
Vinay Sajip Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 13:10

Vinay Sajip

I wrote a bash script for the same purpose. You can find it here https://github.com/maksim07/url-tail

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maksim07 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10
