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Flyway - support for simultaneous versions / multiple branches

Does anyone know a good way to allow larger projects, with lots of engineers working in parallel, to handle versioning with Flyway? We often find that during merges to master, we wind up with conflicting merges just because 2-3 independent projects needed db changes, and they used the same version number.

In this scenario, I'm not even sure if a Rails-style timestamp for versioning would work, because you don't necessarily know the order in which the merges will be made to master.

Any good tricks to get around this, aside from having to re-number your migration just before merge?


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Tom Lianza Avatar asked Oct 03 '12 18:10

Tom Lianza

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Flyway doesn't lock the schema. It then acquires a lock on the metadata table using SELECT * FROM metadatatable FOR UPDATE . This lock is released automatically after the migration completes when the transaction is commited or rolled back.

1 Answers

Renumbering certainly is one way.

Another simple technique for avoiding version number conflicts, is to have a whiteboard or a simply wiki page, where each developer can reserve a version number when they start working on it.

Alternatively, Flyway 1.8 will be out soon and it will include a feature that optionally allows migrations to be run out of order. This is however not risk-free in all scenarios.

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Axel Fontaine Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10

Axel Fontaine