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flyway: common script to run after every migration

I have a generic cleanup script that I'd like to run after every migration. Is there a good way to have this script run after each migration (short of including the script itself as a change every time I do a migration?)

I see that this question has been asked before here Pre- and Post-migration scripts for Flyway and the answer at that time was no, not really.

Has the answer changed at all in the past 1.5 years?

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user2009267 Avatar asked Feb 05 '13 22:02


2 Answers

With flyway 3.0 the situation has changed and there are now callback scripts possible. In this situation an afterMigration.sql file could be used to do the cleanups.

See http://flywaydb.org/documentation/callbacks.html for more information.

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Markus Heberling Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Markus Heberling

This has not changed. Use any of the suggested workarounds for now.

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Axel Fontaine Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Axel Fontaine